Welcome everyone to my first post!
I’ve been working as a frontend web developer for over 5 years now. However, I’ve started recently to care about sharing my knowledge and my life with others.

I started that by creating my YouTube channel, and getting involved with the tech community in Egypt and the middle-east by providing mentorship, and contributing to the community on social media, events, etc.
So, I’m planning to continue doing that in this blog. By sharing technical content, and also sharing more about my remote work lifestyle.
A little about myself
I’m originally from Alexandria Egypt

I got my Electrical Engineering degree from Alexandria University there. And I’ve started working as a frontend web developer in 2015.
Currently, I’m working remotely at Pelcro. Which allowed me to be able to travel while working.
Remote life
Given the COVID-19 situation, I can’t travel abroad. However, I’m taking this time to explore my lovely country.

Right now I’m staying in Dokki, overlooking my beloved island or Al Gezira, and Zamalek neighbourhood.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog to follow me on my journey. ✈️