Unix and Bash Scripting

Learn the fundamentals of Unix and Bash scripting with practical examples

Amr Elsekilly

Episode 1: What is Unix?

Unix is a powerful, multiuser, multitasking operating system originally developed in the 1970s.

History of Unix

Unix was developed in 1969 at AT&T's Bell Labs by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others. It was initially created as a simple, multi-tasking system for programmers.

Evolution of Unix

Over the years, Unix evolved into a powerful operating system that became the foundation for many others, including Linux and macOS.

Key Milestones in Unix History

  • 1971: First version of Unix released.
  • 1973: Unix rewritten in the C programming language, enhancing portability.
  • 1980s: Various Unix versions developed, including BSD and System V.
  • 1991: Linux, a Unix-like operating system, is released by Linus Torvalds.
  • 2000s: Unix systems become widely used in servers and enterprise environments.

Unix History: Documentaries & References

Learn more about Unix history through these classic documentaries:

Unix Architecture

Unix architecture consists of several components, including the kernel, shell, and file system.

Unix Architecture Diagram

Unix Filesystem Structure

The Unix filesystem is organized in a hierarchical structure, starting from the root (/) directory.

Unix Filesystem Tree

Root Directory (/)

The root directory (/) is the top-level directory in Unix systems.

  • All other directories branch from the root
  • Absolute paths always start from root (/)
  • Contains essential system directories

Applications and Library

  • /Applications - Contains user applications
  • /Library - System-wide libraries and support files
# Common paths
/Applications/    # User applications
/Library/         # System libraries
/Library/Frameworks/  # System frameworks

System Directory

  • /System - Core system components
  • Contains essential OS files
  • Rarely modified directly
# System directory structure
├── Library/
└── Volumes/

Users and Volumes

  • /Users - Home directories for all users
  • /Volumes - Mount point for other filesystems
# Directory structure
├── username/
│   ├── Documents/
│   └── Desktop/
├── ExternalDrive/
└── NetworkShare/

Core System Binaries

  • /bin - Essential command binaries
  • /sbin - System binaries
  • /cores - Core dumps
# Essential commands location
/bin/ls    # List directory contents
/bin/cp    # Copy files
/bin/mv    # Move files
/sbin/mount # Mount filesystems

System Configuration

  • /etc - System configuration files
  • /private/etc - Actual location of system configs
  • /dev - Device files
# Important configuration files
├── passwd     # User accounts
├── hosts      # Host name resolution
└── ssh/       # SSH configuration

Variable Data

  • /var - Variable data files
  • /tmp - Temporary files
  • /private/var - Actual variable data location
# Common variable data
├── log/       # System logs
├── mail/      # Mail data
└── spool/     # Print queues

File Types in Unix

Unix treats everything as a file and supports various file types:

  • Regular Files (-)
  • Directories (d)
  • Symbolic Links (l)
  • Block Special Files (b)
  • Character Special Files (c)
  • Named Pipes (p)
  • Socket Files (s)

Regular Files (-)

Most common file type, containing data in various formats:

  • Text files
  • Binary files
  • Shell scripts
# Example of regular files
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 2048 Jan 20 14:30 document.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user group 8390 Jan 20 14:35 script.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1024 Jan 20 14:40 image.jpg

Directories (d)

Special files that contain other files and directories:

# Directory listing
drwxr-xr-x 2 user group 4096 Jan 20 14:45 Documents/
drwxr-xr-x 4 user group 4096 Jan 20 14:50 Projects/

# Common directory operations
ls -la        # List directory contents
mkdir dir     # Create directory
rmdir dir     # Remove empty directory
rm -r dir     # Remove directory and contents

Symbolic Links (l)

Special files that point to other files or directories:

# Symbolic link example
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 15 Jan 20 15:00 link -> target

# Creating symbolic links
ln -s target link     # Create symbolic link
ls -l link           # View link details
readlink link        # Show link target

Block Special Files (b)

Used for block-oriented devices:

# Block device examples
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Jan 20 15:10 /dev/sda    # Hard drive
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Jan 20 15:10 /dev/sda1   # Partition

# Common characteristics:
- Fixed size blocks
- Random access
- Buffered I/O
- Used for storage devices

Character Special Files (c)

Used for character-oriented devices:

# Character device examples
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Jan 20 15:15 /dev/null   # Null device
crw-rw---- 1 root tty  4, 0 Jan 20 15:15 /dev/tty0   # Terminal

# Common characteristics:
- Character stream
- Sequential access
- Unbuffered I/O
- Used for terminals and printers

Named Pipes (p)

Special files for inter-process communication:

# Named pipe example
prw-r--r-- 1 user group 0 Jan 20 15:20 mypipe

# Creating and using named pipes
mkfifo mypipe                  # Create named pipe
ls -l mypipe                   # View pipe details
echo "Hello" > mypipe &        # Write to pipe
cat < mypipe                   # Read from pipe

Socket Files (s)

Used for network and inter-process communication:

# Socket file example
srw-rw---- 1 user group 0 Jan 20 15:25 /tmp/mysql.sock

# Common socket locations
/var/run/*.sock     # System service sockets
/tmp/*.sock         # Temporary sockets

# Characteristics:
- Bidirectional communication
- Used by network services
- Local IPC mechanism

Essential Unix Commands

Core commands for file operations and navigation:

  • File Operations (ls, cp, mv, rm)
  • Navigation Commands (pwd, cd, pushd, popd)
  • File Examination (cat, less, head, tail)

ls Command

List directory contents

# Basic usage
ls              # List files in current directory
ls -l           # Long format listing
ls -a           # Show hidden files
ls -la          # Combine long format and hidden files
ls -lh          # Human-readable file sizes
ls -R           # Recursive listing
ls -lt          # Sort by modification time

Common use cases:

  • View directory contents
  • Check file permissions
  • View file sizes and dates

cp Command

Copy files and directories

# Basic usage
cp file1 file2          # Copy a file
cp -r dir1 dir2        # Copy directory recursively
cp -i file1 file2      # Interactive mode (prompt before overwrite)
cp -p file1 file2      # Preserve attributes
cp file{1,2,3} dir/    # Copy multiple files
cp -v * dir/           # Verbose mode

Common use cases:

  • Backup files
  • Duplicate directories
  • Create file copies for editing

mv Command

Move or rename files and directories

# Basic usage
mv file1 file2         # Rename a file
mv file dir/           # Move file to directory
mv -i file1 file2      # Interactive mode
mv -v file dir/        # Verbose mode
mv dir1 dir2           # Move/rename directory
mv file{1,2,3} dir/    # Move multiple files

Common use cases:

  • Organize files into directories
  • Rename files and directories
  • Move files between locations

rm Command

Remove files and directories

# Basic usage
rm file              # Remove a file
rm -r dir            # Remove directory recursively
rm -f file           # Force removal (no prompt)
rm -i file           # Interactive mode
rm -rf dir           # Force remove directory
rm -v file           # Verbose mode

⚠️ Warning:

  • Use with caution - deletions are permanent
  • Be especially careful with rm -rf
  • Consider using -i flag for safety

pwd Command

Print working directory

# Basic usage
pwd                  # Show current directory
pwd -P               # Show physical path (resolve symlinks)
pwd -L               # Show logical path (keep symlinks)

# Example output

Common use cases:

  • Verify current location
  • Use in scripts for path operations
  • Debug directory navigation issues

cd Command

Change directory

# Basic usage
cd dir               # Change to directory
cd                   # Go to home directory
cd -                 # Go to previous directory
cd ..                # Go up one level
cd ../..             # Go up two levels
cd ~                 # Go to home directory

Common use cases:

  • Navigate file system
  • Switch between directories
  • Return to previous location

pushd and popd Commands

Directory stack manipulation

# pushd usage
pushd /path          # Push directory and change to it
pushd +n             # Rotate stack n times
dirs                 # Show directory stack

# popd usage
popd                 # Pop top directory and return
popd +n              # Remove nth directory from stack

Common use cases:

  • Navigate complex directory structures
  • Return to previous locations
  • Script directory navigation

Working with File Contents

# Viewing files
cat file.txt   # Display entire file
less file.txt  # Page through file
head -n 5      # Show first 5 lines
tail -f log    # Follow file updates

# Searching content
grep pattern file    # Search for pattern
find . -name "*.txt" # Find files by name
locate filename      # Quick file search

Text Processing Basics

# Basic text manipulation
cut -d',' -f1 file.csv   # Extract first column
sort -n numbers.txt      # Sort numerically
uniq -c                  # Count unique lines
wc -l file.txt          # Count lines

# Text streams
echo "hello" | tr a-z A-Z  # Convert to uppercase
cat file.txt | grep error | sort | uniq

Bash Script Structure

# Script description
# Author: Your Name

Variables and Data Types

# String variables
greeting="Hello, $name!"

# Numeric operations
result=$((5 + 3))

# Arrays
fruits=("apple" "banana" "orange")
echo "${fruits[0]}"      # First element
echo "${fruits[@]}"      # All elements
echo "${/#fruits[@]}"     # Array length

Control Flow Fundamentals

# If statements with file tests
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
    echo "File exists"
elif [ -d "$file" ]; then
    echo "It's a directory"
    echo "Not found"

# Case statements
case "$option" in
        echo "Invalid option"

Loop Structures in Bash

# For loops
for file in *.txt; do
    echo "Processing $file"

# While loops with read
while IFS= read -r line; do
    echo "Line: $line"
done < input.txt

# Until loops
until [ $count -ge 5 ]; do
    echo $count

The ls Command

# List files and directories
ls              # Basic listing
ls -l           # Detailed listing
ls -a           # Show hidden files
ls -lh          # Human-readable sizes
ls -R           # Recursive listing

Exercise: ls Command

Complete these tasks:

  1. List all files, including hidden ones, in your home directory
  2. Show files with their sizes in human-readable format
  3. List files sorted by modification time
  4. Show only directories

Sample solutions:

ls -la ~
ls -lh
ls -lt
ls -d */

The cd Command

# Change directory
cd /path/to/dir    # Go to specific directory
cd                 # Go to home directory
cd ..              # Go up one level
cd -               # Go to previous directory
cd ~/Documents     # Go to Documents in home

Exercise: cd Command

Navigate through the filesystem:

  1. Go to your home directory
  2. Navigate to /etc and then back to previous location
  3. Go up two directory levels using relative paths
  4. Navigate to a deeply nested directory using absolute path

Sample solutions:

cd ~
cd /etc && cd -
cd ../..
cd /var/log/apache2

The pwd Command

# Print Working Directory
pwd                # Show current directory
pwd -P             # Show physical path (resolve symlinks)
pwd -L             # Show logical path

Exercise: pwd Command

Working with pwd:

  1. Create a symbolic link and navigate to it
  2. Show both logical and physical paths
  3. Use pwd in a script to verify location

Sample solutions:

ln -s /var/log logs
cd logs
pwd -P
pwd -L

The mkdir Command

# Make Directory
mkdir docs                  # Create single directory
mkdir -p a/b/c             # Create parent directories
mkdir -m 755 secure_dir    # Create with specific permissions
mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3       # Create multiple directories

Exercise: mkdir Command

Directory Creation Tasks:

  1. Create a directory structure for a web project
  2. Create multiple directories with specific permissions
  3. Create nested directories in one command

Sample solutions:

mkdir -p project/{src,dist,docs}
mkdir -m 700 secure_data
mkdir -p ~/projects/web/{css,js,images}

The cp Command

# Copy files and directories
cp file1 file2             # Copy file
cp -r dir1 dir2           # Copy directory recursively
cp -p file1 file2         # Preserve permissions
cp -i file1 file2         # Interactive mode

Exercise: cp Command

Copy Operations:

  1. Copy multiple files to a directory
  2. Copy a directory structure preserving attributes
  3. Create a backup copy with timestamp

Sample solutions:

cp *.txt backup/
cp -rp project/ project_backup/
cp file.txt file.txt.$(date +%Y%m%d)

The mv Command

# Move or rename files
mv file1 file2             # Rename file
mv file dir/               # Move file to directory
mv -i file1 file2         # Interactive mode
mv -n file1 file2         # No overwrite

Exercise: mv Command

Move and Rename Tasks:

  1. Organize files by extension into directories
  2. Rename files with a pattern
  3. Move files safely without overwriting

Sample solutions:

for ext in jpg png pdf; do
    mv *.$ext ${ext}_files/
mv project{,-old}
mv -n *.log backup/

The rm Command

# Remove files and directories
rm file                    # Remove file
rm -r directory           # Remove directory recursively
rm -f file                # Force remove
rm -i file                # Interactive mode

Exercise: rm Command

Removal Operations:

  1. Remove files matching a pattern
  2. Clean up empty directories
  3. Safely remove files with confirmation

Sample solutions:

rm *.tmp
find . -type d -empty -delete
rm -i *.log

The touch Command

# Create an empty file or update timestamp
touch file.txt              # Create a new file
touch existing_file.txt      # Update timestamp of existing file
touch -d "2023-01-01" file.txt  # Set specific timestamp

Exercise: touch Command

File Creation Tasks:

  1. Create multiple empty files at once
  2. Update the timestamp of a file
  3. Set a specific timestamp for a file

Sample solutions:

touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
touch -d "2023-01-01" file1.txt

The cat Command

# Concatenate and display files
cat file.txt               # Display file content
cat file1.txt file2.txt    # Concatenate files
cat > newfile.txt          # Create a new file from stdin

Exercise: cat Command

File Display Tasks:

  1. Display the contents of a file
  2. Concatenate two files into a new file
  3. Create a new file using cat

Sample solutions:

cat myfile.txt
cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt
cat > newfile.txt

The less Command

# View file contents page by page
less file.txt              # View file
less +G file.txt           # Start at the end of the file
less -N file.txt           # Show line numbers

Exercise: less Command

File Navigation Tasks:

  1. Open a large log file and search for a specific term
  2. Navigate to the end of the file
  3. Display line numbers while viewing

Sample solutions:

less /var/log/syslog
less +G /var/log/syslog
less -N /var/log/syslog

The head Command

# Display the first lines of a file
head file.txt              # First 10 lines
head -n 5 file.txt         # First 5 lines
head -c 20 file.txt        # First 20 bytes

Exercise: head Command

File Preview Tasks:

  1. Display the first 15 lines of a file
  2. Show the first 100 bytes of a file

Sample solutions:

head -n 15 myfile.txt
head -c 100 myfile.txt

The tail Command

# Display the last lines of a file
tail file.txt              # Last 10 lines
tail -n 5 file.txt         # Last 5 lines
tail -f log.txt            # Follow log file updates

Exercise: tail Command

File Monitoring Tasks:

  1. Display the last 20 lines of a file
  2. Monitor a log file for new entries

Sample solutions:

tail -n 20 myfile.txt
tail -f /var/log/syslog

The grep Command

# Search for patterns in files
grep "error" file.txt      # Search for 'error'
grep -i "error" file.txt   # Case-insensitive search
grep -r "pattern" /path    # Recursive search in directory

Exercise: grep Command

Search Tasks:

  1. Find all occurrences of a word in a file
  2. Search for a pattern in all text files in a directory

Sample solutions:

grep "word" myfile.txt
grep -r "pattern" /path/to/directory/*.txt

The find Command

# Search for files in a directory hierarchy
find /path -name "*.txt"          # Find by name
find /path -type f -size +1M      # Find files larger than 1MB
find /path -mtime -7               # Find files modified in the last 7 days

Exercise: find Command

File Searching Tasks:

  1. Find all .log files in a directory
  2. Find files modified in the last 24 hours

Sample solutions:

find /var/log -name "*.log"
find /path -mtime -1

The chmod Command

# Change file permissions
chmod 755 file.txt          # Set rwxr-xr-x
chmod u+x script.sh         # Add execute permission for user
chmod -R 700 /path/to/dir   # Recursively set permissions

Exercise: chmod Command

Permission Tasks:

  1. Change permissions of a file to read-only for others
  2. Set executable permissions for a script

Sample solutions:

chmod 444 myfile.txt
chmod +x myscript.sh

The chown Command

# Change file owner and group
chown user:group file.txt          # Change owner and group
chown -R user:group /path/to/dir   # Recursively change ownership

Exercise: chown Command

Ownership Tasks:

  1. Change ownership of a file to a specific user
  2. Recursively change ownership of a directory

Sample solutions:

chown newuser file.txt
chown -R newuser:newgroup /path/to/dir

The tar Command

# Archive files
tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/dir      # Create an archive
tar -xvf archive.tar                   # Extract an archive
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/dir  # Create a compressed archive

Exercise: tar Command

Archiving Tasks:

  1. Create a tar archive of a directory
  2. Extract files from a tar archive

Sample solutions:

tar -cvf myarchive.tar /path/to/dir
tar -xvf myarchive.tar

The gzip Command

# Compress files
gzip file.txt              # Compress file
gunzip file.txt.gz         # Decompress file
gzip -k file.txt           # Keep original file

Exercise: gzip Command

Compression Tasks:

  1. Compress multiple files at once
  2. Decompress a gzipped file

Sample solutions:

gzip *.txt
gunzip file.txt.gz

Example Command

echo "${/#variable}"  

Unix Kernel

The kernel is the core of the Unix operating system, responsible for:

  • Process Management
  • Memory Management
  • Device Management
  • System Calls

Shell Types in Unix

# Common Unix shells
/bin/sh   - Bourne Shell (sh)
/bin/bash - Bourne Again Shell (bash)
/bin/zsh  - Z Shell (zsh)
/bin/csh  - C Shell (csh)
/bin/tcsh - Enhanced C Shell (tcsh)

Special Permissions

# SUID, SGID, and Sticky Bit
chmod u+s file  # Set SUID
chmod g+s dir   # Set SGID
chmod +t dir    # Set Sticky Bit

# Numeric notation
chmod 4755 file # SUID with rwxr-xr-x
chmod 2755 dir  # SGID with rwxr-xr-x
chmod 1777 dir  # Sticky bit with rwxrwxrwx

Environment Variables

# Common environment variables
echo $PATH    # Executable search path
echo $HOME    # User's home directory
echo $USER    # Current username
echo $SHELL   # Current shell path

# Setting environment variables
export MY_VAR="value"

Advanced Control Flow

# Using && and ||
command1 && command2  # Run command2 if command1 succeeds
command1 || command2  # Run command2 if command1 fails

# Using select for menus
select option in "Start" "Stop" "Restart" "Exit"; do
    case $option in
        "Start")   start_service ;;
        "Stop")    stop_service ;;
        "Restart") restart_service ;;
        "Exit")    break ;;